Weight Loss

In addition to our detail-driven concierge medical support, we offer lifestyle coaching and weight loss assistance to help you feel great.

Physician-level Consultations

Licensed Medical Professionals will take time to discuss your lifestyle and weight loss goals. They will start you on your journey and are there whenever you need them along the way. The initial consultation includes EKG, blood tests, body composition analysis, and metabolic rate assessment.

Weight Be Gone


A single Semaglutide injection for those who are not ready to commit and would like to take it one week at a time.


Weekly Semaglutide injections for 4 weeks for those who are interested in dating our program without a long-term commitment.


This 12- week package includes weekly Semaglutide injections, weekly body composition analysis, and oral multivitamins. Discounts include 50% off MICC Shots and $50 off Be Lean infusions.

Body Be Light

This 12-week package includes weekly Semaglutide injections, weekly body composition analysis, multivitamins, 12 MICC shots, and 6 Be Lean infusions.


This shot was designed to promote weight loss by encouraging a healthy metabolism.

Semaglutide injection Facts

Vitamin Therapy

Oral supplements and IV therapy help boost your energy and weight loss efforts.

Weight Loss Philosophy

man running

We have all been there: wanting to lose a few pounds to fit into a special outfit or attend a special occasion. Some lose the weight quickly but alas in a few months are heavier than before. Starting an endless cycle of weight loss and weight gain. For others it is even more serious. The dangers of diabetes, high blood pressure, and heart disease are present in our families and our own lives making weight loss not just about looking good, but more importantly about being healthy. At IMP Wellness Center our goal is to empower you to lose weight and keep it off whatever your motivation. Our program includes resources that have been proven to result in sustained weight loss.

You will have access to a registered dietitian, an exercise counselor, and professional counseling to promote positive attitudes towards food and exercise. You will have access to group and individual support from a team of committed healthcare professionals that continues well beyond your initial weight loss.

Dr. Wilson is a Board Certified Internist and, as a member of the American Society of Bariatric Physicians, adheres to their standards of care which promote safe and sustained weight loss. We provide physician-supervised, weight loss programs that include strong coaching support and education to promote life-long solutions for managing your weight. Our careful medical monitoring process gives you the highest likelihood of losing weight quickly, safely and keeping it off permanently. Achieving permanent weight loss, taking control of your health and feeling better about your appearance all begin by making an appointment. Contact us today.

Keys to Weight-Loss Success

Dr. Wilson will provide you with a customized medical weight loss program that is more effective and easier to adhere to than any other program you have tried, but you have to be ready to make the changes in your life that will help you meet these goals. Before you make any commitment to improve your health and decrease your weight, we want you to be aware of everything that our program has to offer and what you can expect if you enroll. While the exact program prescribed to you depends on a variety of factors unique to you, all our patients benefit from a few key program components which have been proven essential for long-term weight loss success. 

Medical Monitoring 

Numerous studies have shown that rapid weight loss without adequate nutrition and medical monitoring is dangerous. Dr. Wilson will monitor your health while helping you meet your goals. This component of our program assures that you remain in optimum health, that the calorie levels of your diet are adjusted appropriately as you lose weight, and that the doses of any medications you are taking are adjusted and monitored as you lose weight. Medical monitoring includes:

  • A thorough initial medical examination and any necessary lab tests to determine your health status and to identify risk factors. 
  • A personalized weight loss plan based on your health status and weight loss goals. 
  • Continued guidance and medical monitoring of your progress, health, and well-being throughout the course of treatment.
  • Communication with your primary care physician, as necessary.

Lifestyle Education
Long-term weight loss success is based on your ability to change aspects of your lifestyle that have contributed to you being overweight. We can help you recognize and change those learned behaviors to result in a healthier lifestyle. Lifestyle change is critical to your success, and without it, most weight loss is only temporary. We provide you with everything you need to make a reasonable and sustainable change in your life. The education program that we use was developed in consultation with some of the world's leading experts and has been continually updated to reflect the changes in weight management trends over the last 25 years. We will build a customized education plan to address your personal lifestyle challenges and behaviors. By understanding your behaviors and relationship with food and exercise, we can help you avoid overeating triggers and choose healthy alternatives. The modular format of our education program focuses on all aspects of a healthy lifestyle: nutrition, behavioral change, stress management, healthy activity, and more.

Our education topics include: 

  • Managing Stress
  • Knowing Nutrients
  • Embracing Change
  • Smart Shopping
  • Building Support
  • Traveling: Wellness on the Road
  • Setting Compelling Goals
  • Getting Active 
  • Personalized Weight Management Support.

Your weight management success is our priority. You should never feel alone as you make the lifestyle changes and learn the skills necessary to live a healthier, happier life. Our team in Citrus County is beside you all the way. All of our custom treatment programs include a variety of support plans that years of experience and medical studies have proven to be critical for losing weight and keeping it off. Our medical team is always available to answer your questions or deal with any weight-related issues that may arise during your program. Individual support may include private sessions with a nutritionist or lifestyle counselor as well as visits with Dr. Wilson or Joy Dowe for medical evaluation and monitoring. 

Continuing Weight Management Support Research has clearly shown that a critical element of long-term weight loss success is your continued involvement with a support group after the active weight loss phase is complete. We stress this component of our program because we want you to have success not just losing the weight for a few months or a year, but in keeping it off and enjoying a healthier lifestyle for years to come. 

We offer support groups where you can receive ongoing education, develop your weight management skills, and get the support you need to ensure you can maintain your new lifestyle and avoid regaining the weight. You are also encouraged to maintain regular physician visits to offer early detection of relapse with appropriate intervention. All support groups are facilitated by experienced and qualified medical professionals who maintain the highest standards of privacy, and effectiveness. They are there to support your goals and help you make your new lifestyle choices permanent.

Weight-Loss Consumer Bill of Rights


Rapid weight loss may cause serious health problems. Rapid weight loss is weight loss of more than 1½ pounds to 2 pounds per week or weight loss of more than 1 percent of body weight per week after the second week of participation in a weight-loss program. Consult your personal physician before starting any weight-loss program. Only permanent lifestyle changes, such as making healthful food choices and increasing physical activity, promote long-term weight loss. Qualifications of this provider are available upon request. You have a right to: ask questions about the potential health risks of this program and its nutritional content, psychological support, and educational components; receive an itemized statement of the actual or estimated price of the weight-loss program, including extra products, services, supplements, examinations, and laboratory tests; know the actual or estimated duration of the program; know the name, address and qualifications of the dietitian or nutritionist who has reviewed and approved the weight-loss program according to s.468-505(1)(j), Florida Statutes.

Required to be posted by section 501.0575 of Florida Statutes